Agent Academy,  Content Creation

An Overview of Content Creation for Real Estate Agents

Are you tired of your social media presence falling flat, failing to engage your audience, and leaving you with lackluster leads? If this is you, we know one thing about your current social media strategy: it’s not working.

As a mortgage professional who’s invested in your success and passionate about cutting through the BS and finding what actually works, I’m here to help you through the process of preparing for a successful content shoot that will not only captivate your audience but also hopefully convert followers into valuable leads for real estate transactions.

The Objective: Conversion

Let’s cut to the chase—the ultimate goal of your social media efforts is to convert your followers into valuable leads for real estate transactions, not go viral. At the end of the day, we care about using social media as a vehicle to grow your real estate business—where you make the big bucks!

Consider your current median sale price. What would your life look like with one extra lead every couple of months coming from socials? In my market, that’s an extra $10k in commissions about every other month.

How much does a micro-influencer (1k-10k followers) focused on monetizing through #ad brand deals, amazon affiliate partnerships, and #gifted promotions? $1,420 per month according to Influencer Marketing Hub.

I know what monetization vehicle I’d pick between the two.

And the great news is that you don’t need 1k followers to begin harnessing socials! You can begin where you are—even if that’s 0 (it just might take a little longer to build momentum).

How do we drive conversion? That’s a series in itself, but broadly, consider the following: whether it’s through captivating visuals, engaging storytelling, or informative content, every post should be strategically crafted to drive action from your audience.

Overcoming Content Creation Hurdles

It’s no secret that many agents face hurdles when it comes to content creation. Whether you’re new to social media or struggling to find your voice, you’re not alone. But fear not – with a positive mindset and some strategic preparation (including practicing your script in front of a mirror), you can conquer these challenges and emerge as a social media superstar.

The Power of Preparation

1. Mental Prep: Cultivating Confidence

Before you step in front of the camera, take a moment to center yourself and visualize success. Imagine a professional version of yourself filming this content, knowing that it’s going to go viral. What does this version of you say? How does she say it? Practice it in your mind. Once you’re ready, hit record and deliver that same performance.

Confidence is key when it comes to creating compelling content, so banish those self-doubts and embrace your unique voice and perspective.

2. Physical Prep: Equipping Yourself for Success

You don’t need fancy equipment to create captivating content—just your smartphone will do. However, a few props can add visual interest and personality to your posts. Consider creating a shoot sheet outlining the shots, props, and backgrounds you want to incorporate, ensuring that every element of your content aligns with your brand and message.

3. Logistical Prep: Maximizing Your Time and Resources

As a busy real estate professional, time is your most valuable asset. That’s why it’s essential to batch film your content and make the most of every shooting session.

Create a detailed shoot sheet that outlines the shots, scripts, and props you’ll need, allowing you to streamline the process and produce high-quality content efficiently.

Also consider filming b-roll throughout your day that you can easily use for content later on, by overlaying text or a VoiceOver. Today, viewers crave authenticity. Filming things you’re actually doing, rather than pretending or posing for a shoot can help build credibility with your audience.

Fueling Your Creativity: Monkey See, Monkey Do

Still struggling to come up with content ideas? Look no further than your surroundings for inspiration. Whether you’re showcasing a stunning property, sharing helpful tips for homebuyers, or offering a behind-the-scenes look at your daily life, there’s no shortage of topics to explore.

At the end of the day, there are only so many topics that a real estate agent can cover. No matter what you post, odds are that someone somewhere has already posted something like it.

Why should you still post it? Your audience probably hasn’t seen it yet—and so it’s new and valuable to them. Embrace what has worked for others in another market and use it as inspiration for your next piece of content, but don’t forget to infuse your personality and expertise into every post to truly connect with your audience!

Preparing for a successful content shoot requires a combination of mental readiness, physical resources, and logistical planning. By embracing these strategies and stepping out of your comfort zone, you’ll be well-equipped to create content that resonates with your audience and drives tangible results for your real estate business. So grab your smartphone, unleash your creativity, and let’s embark on this exciting social media journey together!